How ADHD Affects Adults

ADHD in adults may look different than in children. Primarily adults will see difficulties in three major domains: attention, impulsivity/emotion regulation, and organization/executive functioning.

Attention Difficulties:

  • Adults with ADHD often struggle with sustaining attention on tasks, leading to frequent distractions and difficulty completing projects.

  • They may find it challenging to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively, resulting in procrastination and missed deadlines.

  • Hyperfocus, a common trait in ADHD, can lead to spending excessive time and energy on activities of interest while neglecting other responsibilities.

Impulsivity and Emotional Regulation:

  • Adults with ADHD may experience impulsivity in decision-making, such as making impulsive purchases or interrupting others during conversations.

  • Difficulty regulating emotions can manifest as mood swings, irritability, and trouble coping with stress.

  • Impulsive behavior can also lead to risky activities, such as substance abuse or reckless driving, further impacting daily functioning and relationships.

Organizational and Executive Functioning Challenges:

  • Adults with ADHD often struggle with organization, leading to cluttered workspaces, forgetfulness, and difficulty maintaining routines.

  • Executive functions such as planning, problem-solving, and self-monitoring are impaired, making it challenging to set and achieve goals.

  • Poor working memory can result in forgetfulness of important details, appointments, and obligations, causing frustration and impairing overall productivity.

Learn more about what is included in an ADHD evaluation here.

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What is Included in an ADHD Evaluation?